Importing Files

Learn about import files and the different parameters in VRED.

Video captions: This tutorial will show you how to import files and use different parameters in VRED. From the toolbar, activate the functions, Raytracing and Antialiasing, for better visual quality.

To import data, in the toolbar, click Import or select it from the File menu. You can now choose from a list of the most common 3D formats. The VRED standard format is VPB. In case you select another format, the Import File(s) dialog will automatically open.

Use the Import File(s) dialog to define how VRED converts and processes imported data. You can set the scene location parameters of imported files. Only options specific to the file format appear. Find file type, file size, the current import state, and file conversion process information.

Use the Import Options to set the type of surface, mesh, curve, and polyline data imported into the scene.

Use the tessellation options to set how imported data will be tessellated, using the quality, deviations, and tolerances set. The higher these values, the more accurate and denser the model.

In the Advanced Options, use these parameters to determine whether to keep NURBS data or delete it, unify surface normals, merge geometries, remove empty groups, reset the transformations of each node, as well as organize items originally organized in layers, for example in Autodesk Alias, into groups or place them under the same parent node.

In the Global Scene Options, you can use these parameters to upload a skydome geometry to ensure correct shadowcasting and reflections of the environment in raytracing mode.

To select the correct position for the imported scene, select either Center in Origin to place it in the middle or Put onto the Ground to place it on the floor of the grid. Click Import. As you can see, you immediately get an excellent result in your render window.