Learn about splitting geometry in VRED.
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Please note, there may be differences between your version of VRED and the video. See the video captions below for updated instructions.
Video captions: Sometimes, when working with a file, you'll find some of the geometry was imported a bit differently from expected. For example, with this geometry, all of the brake is one node, but I need to separated. When I try to assign a color to the caliper, it is assigned to the whole brake. Therefore, I need to split the geometry.
To do this, right-click the node and select Edit > Geometry > Split Mesh. Remember to save before doing this, as this action is undoable.
Now, select the geometry you want grouped together. Once all are selected, right-click the top node of the selection within the scenegraph, then select Merge Geometry. Next, with only the remaining nodes selected, right-click and select Merge Geometry to reduce the number of nodes in the scenegraph.
Now, these two nodes can be painted different colors. This enables me to be able to solve these types of issues within VRED without the need of exiting the application.