Learn about reflective plastic materials in VRED.
For additional information on reflective plastic materials, see the following:
Video captions: Create a reflective plastic material and assign it to a geometry. With Reflective Plastic Material, you can simulate highly reflective non-metallic surfaces like double-clearcoat finish. The Diffuse color of the reflective plastic material defines the material’s diffuse basic tint. The Specular Color, however, indicates the highlights color. Usually, this value should be white because, in nature, a lot of materials don’t have a coloration for the highlight. The reflection of a reflective plastic material is never scattered and is, therefore, always 100% sharp. The default value of 0.04 indicates the power of a reflection at a right angle of view. This value is adjusted to the materials, and, therefore, doesn’t have to be changed much to look realistic. If a texture is assigned to a reflective plastic material, the geometry’s UVs will be applied automatically.