Final Gather

Learn about the Final Gather setting and how to use it to correct photonic and color noise when raytracing in VRED.

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Video captions: In this case, a cube was created in advance, acting as spatial surroundings. In the main menu bar, open the Light Editor, under Scene. Activate the available light source necessary. Change the render mode with the help of the Render Settings to Full Global Illumination. Open the Photon Tracing section and select Indirect Only to activate photon tracing. For more information on photon tracing, look up the Photon Tracing tutoria. Set the number of photons to 500 000. In general, many photons are needed to illuminate a scene. Different color values and the impact of photons can cause noise in the image. To remedy this, Final Gather was added. Activate Final Gather by setting the final gather quality to a value between 1 and 4. Final Gather creates a radiance photon for every 8th photon. Via a radiance, the information from neighboring photons is collected and stored in a final gather map. Final Gather Radius defines the radius of this information gathering process from a radiance photon.