
Learn about different stereoscopic rendering modes in VRED.

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Video captions: Autodesk VRED supplies the possibility to access different stereo modes. In the main menu bar, open Stereo, under Visualization. An assortment of different settings are available.

A selection should be made depending on monitor. Choose Top/Bottom Split to horizontally pair the image. Through the selection of Left/Right Split, you can vertically split the image corresponding to the left and right eye.

Within Stereo Settings, amongst other things, you can define eye separation and zero parallax distance. Zero parallax distance describes the distance between the viewer and the output device.

To generate a stereo image, please open Preferences, and under Render Settings, pick Stereo. Deactivate your stereo display in the render view.

Please open the Render Settings over the Quick Access Bar and set a path for saving the rendering to. Run the rendering.