ASP Status Check

Checks if ASP.NET is configured properly to install the Autodesk Vault Server.

The check runs tests using three ASPX files. The issue can be automatically repaired by clicking Re-Test on the install screen or by manually correcting the issue.

Automatically Fix the Issue

Auto-fix will automatically resolve this issue by going through each area of access that was checked and updating settings as needed.

  1. Click Re-Test to automatically fix the issue and run the pre-installation test conditions again to verify that the error has been corrected.
    • If the error has been corrected, click Continue to proceed with the installation.
    • If the error has not been corrected, you must perform a manual fix, as described in the next section of this topic.

Manually Fix the Issue

To manually correct the issue, review the error messages and take the corresponding corrective action.

Note: Some firewalls can cause this check to fail. See Known Firewall Check for more information on configuring a firewall.

1. MSI Web Service Installation

  • ASP.Net Test installation was unable to find x file(s).
  • ASP Status Check Failed during installation of test msi.

    An error occurred during the installation of the TestASPNet msi file. Make sure that you have Administrator access and that your IIS installation is working properly.

2. IIS Metabase Access

IIS Metabase Access is required. Make sure that the feature is enabled by following these steps.

On Windows 8, 8.1, and 10

  1. From the Windows Control Panel, select Programs Programs and Features.
  2. Click Turn Windows features on or off.
  3. Expand Internet Information Services and Web Management Tools.
  4. For Windows 10, expand the IIS6 Management Compatibility folder.
  5. For Windows 8, and 8.1, select the IIS 6 Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility option and click OK.

    For Windows 10, select the IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility option and click OK.

On Server 2012, 2012 R2, and 2016

  1. From Windows Server Manager, select Add Roles and Features from the Manage option to the top right.
  2. Select Next until the Server Roles dialog displays.
  3. Expand Web Server (IIS), Management Tools, and IIS 6 Management Compatibility.
  4. Select the IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility option and click Next to complete the install.
  • Check that read access to the TestASP IIS Virtual Directory and its contents are allowed.

3. Static HTTP File Access

Accessing an http static file failed at URL "http:// localhost/TestASP/TestASPNetStatic.txt"

The contents of the file "http://localhost/TestASP/TestASPNetStatic.txt" is xxx, expected yyy.

  • Check that read access to the TestASP IIS Virtual Directory and its contents are allowed.

4. ASPX Access

ASPX file failed to run at URL: "http://localhost/TestASP/TestASPNet.aspx".

  • Check that read access to the TestASP IIS Virtual Directory and its contents are allowed.
  • Check AutodeskTestDMPool (.NET Framework version and Managed pipeline mode settings).
    1. Launch IIS Manager.
    2. In the IIS Manager window, expand local computer and select Application Pools.
    3. Right click on AutodeskTestDMPool and select Basic Settings.
    4. Select .NET Framework v4.0.30319 and Integrated pipeline mode.
    5. Click OK.
  • Check that IIS ASP .NET Application Development feature is enabled.

    On Windows 8, 8.1, 10, Server 2012, and Server 2012 R2

    1. Launch the administrative command prompt.
    2. Run command %windir%\system32\DISM.exe /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:IIS-ASPNET45 /All /quiet /NoRestart
ASPX page was unable to write temp file to directory: xxx.
  • Navigate to the directory specified in the error messsage and grant write access.

5. Web Service Access

ASP Status Check Web Service Call failed with an exception.

  • Check that read access to the TestASP IIS Virtual Directory and its contents are allowed.