You can create lists in several different formats, in any drawing linked to an Advance model. You can also create several lists on the same drawing, for example, a bolt list and a material list.
Create Lists
Lists are created in two steps:
The list frame is defined by two diagonal points. Once the frame is created, you can control the list layout: the size and the format. The list format is set by a template.
Usually, the lists are of a fixed width, while the length of the list varies according to the changes in the model (new elements are added to the model, other elements are changed or deleted).
Once the list format is selected, the list must be updated with the information from the model.
List Templates
Several list templates (.dwg files) are installed by default in ..\ProgramData\Autodesk\Advance Steel 2024\[INSTALLATION LANGUAGE EXTENSION]\Shared\Support\BOMTemplates\.
The available list templates are listed in the properties dialog box, on the Template tab. You can select a different template for a list at any time.