View Parameters

Use this dialog to select parameters for displaying graphics.


Dialog elements

OPEN GL graphic window
Applies the OPEN GL API® graphics presentation standard to the structure. The OpenGL API platform enables 2D and 3D graphic functions, such as modeling, transformations, color, light, and shading.
Display acceleration
Uses the functions offered by your graphic card to support a dynamic structure view. The view is redrawn faster and in a continuous manner.
With some graphic cards (or OPEN GL versions) problems might occur when using the display acceleration in Robot. If this happens, you need to verify if the most up to date dedicated GPU drivers are installed, and perform update if needed.
If the display problems continue, it is recommended you reduce the 'Display acceleration' in Robot (down to 'None'), without closing the OPEN GL graphic window.
If the problem still persists, try to reduce the hardware acceleration in the system settings of your graphic card.