The Manual Verification dialog box is used for steel member verification against force values defined by the user according to the requirements of the British steel code BS5950:2000. The dialog box opens on the screen after selecting the command: Design
Steel Member Design - Options
Verification. Once the option is selected, the dialog box shown below is displayed on the screen.
To run verification of a structure member subjected to action of user-defined internal forces, the user should:
- in the Verification of member no.: field select a member to be verified
- in the Internal forces in the analyzed section field enter values of the appropriate internal forces (the units applied are displayed in the top right corner of the dialog box)
- in the Internal Forces in characteristic sections field enter values of the appropriate auxiliary internal forces (the units applied are displayed in the top right corner of the dialog box) required for member code calculations
- in the Factors field determine values of the coefficients of m moment distribution (pressing the corresponding icon opens the dialog box in which a coefficient value may be defined)
- select calculation options after pressing the Options button
- press the Calculations button.
Note: Once the Calculations option is selected, verification of a member is performed and next, after it is completed, the dialog box presenting calculation results is displayed.
Calculations run in the Manual Verification dialog box do not take account of intermediate restraints defined in the Member definition dialog box and treat the member as a member without stiffeners along its length.