Direct Analysis Method Parameters dialog

Use this dialog to define the standard parameters for the Direct Analysis Method

Direct analysis mode
Select which mode to use, or select User-defined parameters to specify your own parameters.
Notional loads generation
Notional load coefficient
Specify the coefficient by which the gravity load is multiplied.
Note: If you selected an ANSI/AISC 360-10 mode, then this coefficient cannot be edited. This fulfills the ANSI/AISC 360-10 specifications for Structural Steel Buildings.
Generate for gravity-only load combinations
Select this option if you want to generate horizontal forces automatically for combinations which do not include lateral loads.
Note: This option is selected by default.
Generate for lateral load combinations
Select this option, and then indicate in which direction the notional loads should be generated for combinations which contain lateral loads.
  • In the direction of the lateral load: notional loads are aligned with the acting lateral load.
  • In one active direction only: notional loads are added in the direction which is closest to the lateral load.
  • In two active directions independently: notional loads are created on both the X and Y axes.
Active directions
Select the directions in which the program will add the notional loads.
Reduced Stiffness
Specify the coefficients of stiffness reduction for steel and R/C members.
Note: If you selected an ANSI/AISC 360-10 mode, then the coefficient of stiffness reduction is limited to the values defined in the ANSI/AISC 360-10 specifications for Structural Steel Buildings.
Second-order analysis parameters
Opens the Non-linear Analysis Algorithm Options dialog which allows you to define the method and parameters to use for the analysis.
Generate the DAM model without running the Direct Analysis
Generates the DAM model without running the Direct analysis.