Run a DAM analysis

You can run a DAM analysis on structures such as buildings, trusses, frames or shells.

In order to be able to run an analysis following the Direct Analysis Method (DAM), results must be available for the main model.
  1. Open a model compatible with the DAM analysis.
  2. Verify that Ultimate Limit States (ULS) combinations exist for the model, or create them using the Loads menu.
  3. Click Calculations Analysis Calculations to run initial calculations on the model.
  4. Click Analysis Analysis Types. The Analysis Type dialog opens.
  5. Select the Direct Analysis Method (DAM) option.
  6. Click Set parameters. The Direct Analysis Method Parameters dialog opens.
    Note: By default, the ANSI/AISC 360-10 parameters are available. Select User-defined if you want to access all DAM parameters.
  7. Specify how you want to generate notional horizontal loads on your model by selecting the relevant checkbox.
  8. Click second-order analysis parameters if you want to modify the parameters of the nonlinear analysis.
  9. Click OK to close the Direct Analysis Method Parameters dialog.
  10. Click Run DAM to start the calculations. When the DAM analysis is finished, a button is displayed in the drawing area, which allows you to switch from the Main model view to the DAM model view.
    Note: Alternatively, click Analysis DAM Analysis Main model, or Analysis DAM Analysis DAM model to switch between models.
Important: Deselecting the Direct Analysis Method (DAM) option in the Analysis Type dialog deletes all DAM results.