Spectral analysis - calculations of response spectrum F(t)

Select the F(t) tab in the Response spectrum calculation dialog to define the time function F(t).

Click Open from a file to read the function from a text file. The file is saved in the following format.

In order to define a new function, click New. Add, Delete and Modify edit a selected line in the table containing columns Time and F(t). Click Set Parameters to stretch or compress the diagram of time analysis F(t) along the time variable axis. Typing 2 x t, 3 x t, … in the Set Parameters dialog scales the diagram and allows you to analyze the details of the time function F(t) when the duration of F(t) process is too long.

After defining a time function F(t), select the Sa(T) tab to change the following default values.

Click Sa(T) ← F(t) to obtain the calculated spectrum presented in the form of a green curve.

The selected spectrum (given or calculated) may be saved to a file in the appropriate format.

Click OK button to save the indicated spectrum in the Spectrum definition dialog.

Note: It is necessary to set the units of acceleration and period for the selected spectrum on the Spectrum tab. Set the appropriate units and click Modify for the spectrum is always a function of the type: Sa = Sa(T).