Check the Correctness of a Ke Matrix Element

You can check the correctness of each Ke matrix element in the model. The check is not time-consuming and recommended before a trial analysis of the FE model.

  1. Click Tools Job Preferences. The Job Preferences dialog opens.
  2. Select Structure Analysis in the left panel of the Job Preferences dialog.
  3. Select Iterative from the Method of solving the system of equations drop-down list, and then click Parameters.
  4. Make sure the Multilevel solver type is not selected.
  5. Select either the Gauss or the Cholesky method.
  6. Click OK twice.
  7. Run the structure analysis.

If the calculation process reaches the first iteration, it means that it proceeds correctly. You can stop the calculations manually after this verification.

If the verification fails, then an error 3016 displays during the preparation of the EBE preconditioning.In this case, the calculations are interrupted before the iteration process starts.