Case component

The option performs operations on moving load components, code combinations, and time history components. The option is available by:

Note: This option is available for moving load cases, load combinations or time history cases.

The top of the dialog has 3 options:

For of time history analysis, after the main case of time history analysis is selected, Robot makes available the results for a single component of a particular time step. The dialog is modified; instead of the Load position field, the Time variable option is available. It lets you select the current time value for a given component (a second is assumed for the time unit). After entering the value for the time variable, the component assumes the value of the variable step that is closest to the entered value.

The middle of the dialog has a slide control letting you select the current component/position of the load.

At the bottom of the dialog, apart from the standard buttons, there are the following 2 buttons: