Manage shortcut keys

You can create, modify, delete, inport, and export keyboard shortcuts.

Click Tools Customize Customize keyboard to open the Customize Keyboard dialog box.

Find the keyboard shortcut for a command

  1. Select the location of the command in the Categories list.

    The list of commands updates for the selected category.

  2. Select the command for which you want to find its shortcut from the Commands list.
  3. Review the Currently defined shortcut keys field. Any shortcuts assigned to the command will be listed ihere.

Add or change a keyboard shortcut for a command

  1. Select the location of the command in the Categories list.

    The list of commands updates for the selected category.

  2. Select the command for which you want to create a shortcut from the Commands list.
  3. If your shortcut requires two keys, select Use double key shortcut.

    To use a double key shortcut in Robot Structural Analysis, press the keys of the shortcut. When you press the final key in the shortcut, the command executes.

  4. Enter a key combination for the command in the Press new shortcut key field.
  5. Make sure the combination is not already assigned to another command by reviewing the Currently assigned to field. If you assign an existing key combination to another command, the former shortcut is automatically unassigned.
  6. Click Assign.

Delete a keyboard shortcut for a command

  1. Select the location of the command in the Categories list.

    The list of commands updates for the selected category.

  2. Select the command for which you want to delete a shortcut from the Commands list.
  3. Click Delete.

Reset the keyboard shortcuts to the Robot Structural Analysis defaults

  1. Click Reset .

    All commands are rest to the default shortcuts provided on install.

Import keyboard shortcuts from a file

  1. Click Import.
  2. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the location of the shortcut *.acc file to be imported. Select it.
  3. Click Open.

    The shortcuts mapped in the file are now available in Robot Structural Analysis.

Export keyboard shortcuts to a file

  1. Click Export.
  2. In the Save As dialog, navigate to the directory in which you want to save the shortcut *.acc file.
  3. Name the file.
  4. Click Save.

    The shortcuts in mapped in Robot Structural Analysis are exported to the file for storage or portability to another installation.