Contents of the table of loads

The table of loads for a designed structure contains the following data:

The contents of the following columns depend on the selected load type. Particular load types and quantities are described below.

In the load / load case table it is possible to change the numbering of load cases. Select the Case column in the load table, right click and select Fill Special.

This dialog allows changing numbers of load cases when more than one case is selected:

For example, the available load cases include numbers 1, 3, 5, 6, 7. The cases 5, 6, and 7 should be changed to 2, 3, and 4. To do so, select the records 5, 6, and 7 in the Case column. Right click and select Fill Special. Select the modification type (Absolute) and enter 2. Cases 5, 6, and 7 change to 2,3, and 4. Case 3 will be assigned the first free number outside the block.

See also:

Legend of loads applied to a structure

Definition of loads on the Text edition tab

Bar structures

Nodal force

FX, FY, FZ - Concentrated forces in the directions X, Y and Z respectively (defined in the global coordinate system).

CX, CY, CZ - Nodal moments with respect to axes X, Y and Z (defined in the global coordinate system).

AL, BE, GA - Angles determining the directions of force application and displacement with respect to axes of the global coordinate system.

Uniform load

px, py, pz - Values of uniform load in directions X, Y and Z respectively (defined in the global coordinate system).

AL, BE, GA - Angles determining the directions of force application and displacement with respect to axes of the global coordinate system.

Trapezoidal load

x1, x2 - Coordinates of the beginning and end point of a bar where a trapezoidal load will be applied. Coordinates may be defined as relative or absolute values.

px1, px2 - Values of the load at the beginning (1) and end (2) point, respectively, of the load application in the direction of axis X (defined in the global coordinate system).

py1, py2 - Values of the load at the beginning (1) and end (2) point, respectively, of the load application in the direction of axis Y (defined in the global coordinate system).

pz1, pz2 - Values of the load at the beginning (1) and end (2) point, respectively, of the load application in the direction of axis Z (defined in the global coordinate system).

AL, BE, GA - Angles determining the directions of force application and displacement with respect to axes of the global coordinate system.

Bar force

FX, FY, FZ - Concentrated forces in the directions X, Y and Z respectively (defined in the global coordinate system).

CX, CY, CZ - Nodal moments with respect to axes X, Y and Z (defined in the global coordinate system).

X - Coordinate of a point along bar length where the trapezoidal load will be applied. Coordinate may be defined as a relative or absolute value.

AL, BE, GA - Angles determining the directions of force application and displacement with respect to axes of the global coordinate system.


TX (or T) - Homogenous heating/cooling down of the entire element.

TY, TZ - Difference of temperature between extreme fibers of the element cross-section (in the direction of axes Y or Z of the local coordinate system, respectively).

Imposed displacement

UX, UY, UZ, RX, RY, RZ - Displacements and rotations imposed in the directions of axes X, Y and Z. This option is accessible only for support nodes in the assumed direction of support.

AL, BE, GA - Angles determining the directions of force application and displacement with respect to axes of the global coordinate system.


DL - Value of shortening / lengthening. A positive number refers to lengthening, while negative one to shortening.

Relative - The manner of defining values "d". The value is defined with respect to bar length. Otherwise, the value if "d" parameter is defined in the currently used length unit.

Distributed moment

MX, MY, MZ - Load with continuous moments applied in the direction of axes X, Y and Z.

Slab-shell structures

Thermal load 3p

TX1, TX2, TX3 - Values of temperature (constant or variable) in points 1, 2 or 3.

TZ1, TZ2, TZ3 - Values of gradient in the direction perpendicular to the element surface (along the element thickness) in points 1, 2 or 3.

NX1, NX2, NX3, NY1, NY2, NY3, NZ1, NZ2, NZ3 - Coordinates of a point where the values of temperature or temperature gradient have been defined.

Linear load 2p

px1, px2, py1, py2, pz1, pz2, - Values of a uniform load p in the direction of axes X, Y and Z of the global or local coordinate system, respectively, defined in the beginning and end points of load application.

mx1, mx2, my1, my2, mz1, mz2, - Values of a load with moment m in the direction of axes X, Y and Z of the global or local coordinate system, respectively, defined in the beginning and end points of load application.

nx1, nx2, ny1, ny2, nz1, nz2, - Coordinates of the beginning (1) and end (2) points of linear load application.

GA - Angle defining the direction of operation of forces with respect to the axes of the global coordinate system.

Planar load

px1, px2, px3, py1, py2, py3, pz1, pz2, pz3 - Values of load p in the direction of axes X, Y and Z of the global coordinate system, respectively, defined in points 1, 2 and 3.

nx1, nx2, nx3, ny1, ny2, ny3, nz1, nz2, nz3 - Coordinates in the points where the values load p have been defined.

Hydrostatic pressure load

P - Constant component of a pressure load.

phydr = p + wu*(z - h), where wu - weight per unit.

h - Coordinate (level) of liquid surface.

Uniform load

px, py, pz - Values of uniform load in directions X, Y and Z respectively (defined in the global coordinate system).

Force at a point

FX, FY, FZ - Concentrated forces in the directions X, Y and Z respectively (defined in the global coordinate system).

CX, CY, CZ - Nodal moments with respect to axes X, Y and Z (defined in the global coordinate system).

AL, BE, GA - Angles determining the directions of force application and displacement with respect to axes of the global coordinate system.

X, Y, Z - Coordinates of the point of concentrated force application.

Each load record contains a Memo field for the description of each load for noteworthy information.

See also:

Comments concerning automatic assigning of a self-weight load to the whole structure.