Diagram Definition (Pushover Analysis)

Use this dialog to define diagrams of quantities calculated during pushover analysis.

  1. Click Results Advanced Pushover analysis - diagrams.
  2. Click Add, or click Modify.

The diagram is generated for only 1 result value. This quantity must be selected on one of the available tabs of the dialog (the number of tabs depends on the analyzed structure type: frame, plate, and so on). In addition, an element (bar) or node for which the diagram is displayed must be determined. For quantities presented for bar elements, the Position field is available for determining the relative coordinates on a bar for which the results are saved. For planar elements, values of forces and stresses are read at the element centers.

The Case list comprises the list of defined pushover analysis cases. The function diagram is saved for a given case.

The name of a function diagram is created automatically. The component elements of a name are as follows:

(case_number)_(value_name)_(option_name)_(element_or_node_number)/(position_on a bar).

The name of a function diagram can be changed. A function diagram cannot be defined if none of the values in the dialog are selected or the diagram does not have a name.

The dialog shown in the following image opens for bar structures. For shell structures, the dialog has a few more tabs (the Detailed, Complex tabs, and so on).

Function diagrams are defined the same way as for the time history analysis.