Seismic Analysis Parameters (Moroccan Code RPS 2011)


  1. Click Tools Job Preferences Design Codes.
  2. Go to the Loads section, and then select R.P.S. 2011 from the seismic loads menu.
  3. Click Analysis Analysis Types, and then create a new seismic analysis. The parameters dialog displays.

Dialog elements

To complete the seismic analysis according to the rules given in this code, define the following parameters:
  • Structure class
  • Site
  • Zv, Za, v and K
  • Direction: Horizontal or Vertical.

The details concerning this structure analysis method can be found in the mentioned code.

Auxiliary case
Ignores the selected case during the calculations.
Base Shear
Opens the Base Shear dialog which allows you to specify how to take into account base shear.
Eccentricity definition
Opens the Definition of mass eccentricities dialog which allows you to consider the mass displacement by an eccentricity in the seismic analysis.
Direction definition
Opens the Direction dialog which allows you to define the direction of the spectral/seismic excitation.
Opens the Filters dialog which allows you to determine the number of modes considered during the dynamic analysis of the structure.