Panel calculation model - Parameters

Use the option to define a new panel calculation model. Access the option clicking New panel calculation model in the Panel Calculation Model dialog. The following dialog displays then.

A panel calculation model defines the way you reach a solution for displacements, internal forces and supporting objects of a panel. A set of parameters that characterize a calculation model includes 3 groups:

You can specify the following parameters in the above dialog:

Note: Thermal loads are distributed on a panel using finite elements. Therefore, panel thermal loads are not included in calculations, if a panel calculation model without finite elements is used.

To distinguish a panel with a finite element mesh from a panel on which this mesh is not generated, a panel contour is drawn differently: panel with a FE mesh is drawn with a dashed line and panel without an FE mesh - with a continuous line.

Note: Diaphragms can be generated only on horizontal panels in the XY plane.