Work Parameters


Dialog elements

Switch off selection synchronization between views or tables
Optimizes performance when you are working with large structure models.
For smaller structure models, it is very convenient to work without selecting this option. When this option is cleared, tables reflect the bars or panels that are selected in a view, and objects that are selected in the view are entered automatically to the selection fields in the load table. However when working with large models, automatic and frequent refreshing of the table contents or view can slow performance. To avoid performance problems, you should select the Switch off selection synchronization between views or tables option. When this option is selected, a selection is not transferred from the view to tables, and lists of objects selected in the view are not transferred to the load table.
Note: You can also turn on or off the Selection synchronization mode from the shortcut menu of a table with results or data.
Save results in external file: *.RT_
Saves results in a separate binary file.
Saving results in a separate file accelerates the process of writing the file to disk as well as reducing its size. Select this option for projects with a large number of elements or when using a type of analysis that generates a large number of results: seismic, spectral, time history analysis, and moving load analysis. The results file that is generated is given the same name as the data file, but with an RT_ extension. The RT_ file is generated in the same folder where the RTD file was saved. Also a RTW format file is created with temporary system data that you can delete after you exit Robot. You can save results for nodes, bars, planar finite elements, and the results of dynamic analyses in an RT_ file. To reduce the size of an existing RTD file that has results, you must use Save As with a different file name with this option selected. When you open an RTD file, where the results were saved in a separate file, Robot looks for an RT_ file. If the RT_ file is not found, a status message of None is displayed.
Note: For files larger than 2Gb, you must save results in a separate file, because of system limitations.

The Maximal number of generated combinations option specifies the maximum number of combinations generated automatically during generation of code combinations. The default value is 64,000.

Solid Modeler

This option allows you to select edit operations based on Solid Modeler to perform Boolean operations in Robot.

If the Use Solid Modeler option is selected, then Boolean operations will be performed using the Solid Modeler modules.

If the Define by default in a Solid Modeler format option is selected, generating volumetric objects in Robot will also generate an object in Solid Modeler. If this option is cleared, objects that are generated in the Robot format and use some of the edit operations (such as Cutting objects, Chamfer, Space Warping, and Object Twisting) might be transformed into Solid Modeler format objects.

If the Use Solid Modeler option is selected, it affects some of the options available in Robot:

  • The Object Combinations dialog changes depending on which technology has been selected for performing Boolean operations
  • If the Use Solid Modeler option is turned off, then the Solid Modeler edit options are not available in the menu. Only when the Use Solid Modeler option is turned on, will the options be available in the menu.

While using Solid Modeler, you should be aware of the following limitations:

  • A Boolean operation that has already been performed cannot be modified. After you perform any operation, such as cutting out an opening in a solid, you cannot change or correct the operation. You can cancel the operation using UNDO or perform another Boolean operation to restore the initial state of the structure.
  • Volumetric elements cannot be combined with shell elements. A shell cannot penetrate a solid and be adjacent to a solid.
Note: It is not recommended to use Solid Modeler for the following structure types: plate, plane stress structure, plane deformation structure and axisymmetric structures.