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The EnvChrome texture creates a simple by effective environment to simulate the reflections off chrome surfaces. The basic environment map consists of a ground plane and a sky with fluorescent-style light rectangles.

These rectangular lights in the sky are there for visual effect only, and do not act as light sources in the scene.

To use this texture as an environment map, connect the Out Color attribute to the Reflected Color attribute of any specular shader, such as Blinn or Phong. (For chrome you will want to use a Blinn shader, with the Reflectivity attribute set to 1.0).

Aside from the attributes listed here, EnvChrome inherits additional attributes from TextureEnv.

In the table below, important attributes have their names listed in bold in the description column.

Node nameParentsClassificationMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes

layeredTexture, envCube, envSphere, envSky, envBall, bump3d, uvChooser, bump2d, texture2d, ramp, file, cloth, water, stencil, checker, fractal, bulge, grid, mountain, texture3d, projection, cloud, granite, crater, leather, stucco, brownian, solidFractal, marble, wood, rock, snow, defaultTextureList, place2dTexture, place3dTexture

Attributes (42)

floorAltitude, floorColor, floorColorB, floorColorG, floorColorR, gridColor, gridColorB, gridColorG, gridColorR, gridDepth, gridDepthGain, gridDepthOffset, gridWidth, gridWidthGain, gridWidthOffset, horizonColor, horizonColorB, horizonColorG, horizonColorR, lightColor, lightColorB, lightColorG, lightColorR, lightDepth, lightDepthGain, lightDepthOffset, lightWidth, lightWidthGain, lightWidthOffset, pointCamera, pointCameraX, pointCameraY, pointCameraZ, realFloor, skyColor, skyColorB, skyColorG, skyColorR, zenithColor, zenithColorB, zenithColorG, zenithColorR

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
floorAltitude (fa) float-1.0outputinputconnectablestorable
Floor Altitude controls the position of the floor along the vertical axis. If Real Floor is turned on, make sure that none of the surfaces or the camera in the scene go below this level.
floorColor (fc) float30.588, 0.588, 0.784outputinputconnectablestorable
Floor Color controls the color of the floor.
floorColorR (fcr) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The red component of Floor Color
floorColorG (fcg) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The green component of Floor Color
floorColorB (fcb) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The blue component of Floor Color
gridColor (gc) float30.0, 0.0, 0.0outputinputconnectablestorable
Grid Color controls the color of the grid lines on the floor.
gridColorR (gcr) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The red component of Grid Color
gridColorG (gcg) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The green component of Grid Color
gridColorB (gcb) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The blue component of Grid Color
gridDepth (gd) float0.1outputinputconnectablestorable
Grid Depth controls the width of each of the grid lines running along the floor, relative to the space between them. Set this to 0.5, and the lines will be exactly as wide as the space between them. Set this to 0.9, and the lines will almost touch each other at the edges.
gridDepthGain (gdg) float1.0outputinputconnectablestorable
Grid Depth Gain controls the distance between the grid lines that run along the floor. Increase Grid Depth Gain to spread them out, and decrease it to bring them closer together.

Note: Since the width of the grid lines is set relative to the space between them, increasing this will also make the lines wider. (See Grid Depth).

gridDepthOffset (gdo) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorable
Grid Depth Offset controls the positioning of the grid lines along the floor. You can increase or decrease this value to make the lines move back and forth without changing their width or spacing.
gridWidth (gw) float0.1outputinputconnectablestorable
Grid Width controls the width of each of the grid lines running across the floor, relative to the space between them. Set this to 0.5, and the lines will be exactly as wide as the space between them. Set this to 0.9, and the lines will almost touch each other at the edges.
gridWidthGain (gwg) float1.0outputinputconnectablestorable
Grid Width Gain controls the distance between the grid lines that run across the floor. Increase Grid Width Gain to spread them out, and decrease it to bring them closer together.

Note: Since the width of the grid lines is set relative to the space between them, increasing this will also make the lines wider. (See Grid Width).

gridWidthOffset (gwo) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorable
Grid Width Offset controls the positioning of the grid lines across the floor. You can increase or decrease this value to make the lines move back and forth without changing their width or spacing.
horizonColor (hc) float30.0, 0.0, 0.0outputinputconnectablestorable
Horizon Color controls the color of the floor at the horizon. The overall color of the floor is linearly interpolated between Floor Color and Horizon Color.
horizonColorR (hcr) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The red component of Horizon Color
horizonColorG (hcg) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The green component of Horizon Color
horizonColorB (hcb) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The blue component of Horizon Color
lightColor (lc) float30.784, 0.784, 1.0outputinputconnectablestorable
Light Color controls the color of the grid of rectangular "lights" seen in the reflected sky. These lights are there for visual effect only; they do not act as real light sources in the scene.
lightColorR (lcr) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The red component of Light Color
lightColorG (lcg) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The green component of Light Color
lightColorB (lcb) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The blue component of Light Color
lightDepth (ld) float0.1outputinputconnectablestorable
Light Depth controls how int each of the rectangular lights in the sky is, relative to the space between them in that direction. Set this to 0.5, and the lights will be exactly as int as the space between them. Set this to 0.9, and the lights will almost touch each other at the edges.
lightDepthGain (ldg) float1.0outputinputconnectablestorable
Light Depth Gain controls how far apart the lights in the sky are (in the Depth direction). Increase Light Depth Gain to spread them out, and decrease it to bring them closer together.

Note: Since the length (depth) of the lights is set relative to the space between them, increasing this will also make the lights longer. (See Light Depth).

lightDepthOffset (ldo) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorable
Light Depth Offset controls the positioning of the lights in the sky. You can increase or decrease this value to make the lights move closer or farther without changing their size or spacing.
lightWidth (lw) float0.5outputinputconnectablestorable
Light Width controls how wide each of the rectangular lights in the sky is, relative to the space between them in that direction. Set this to 0.5, and the lights will be exactly as wide as the space between them. Set this to 0.9, and the lights will almost touch each other at the edges.
lightWidthGain (lwg) float1.0outputinputconnectablestorable
Light Width Gain controls how far apart the lights in the sky are (in the Width direction). Increase Light Width Gain to spread them out, and decrease it to bring them closer together.

Note: Since the width of the lights is set relative to the space between them, increasing this will also make the lights wider. (See Light Width).

lightWidthOffset (lwo) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorable
Light Width Offset controls the positioning of the lights in the sky. You can increase or decrease this value to make the lights move left or right without changing their size or spacing.
pointCamera (p) float30.0, 0.0, 0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The current sample point that has to be shaded
pointCameraX (px) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The x component of the current sample position
pointCameraY (py) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The y component of the current sample position
pointCameraZ (pz) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The z component of the current sample position
realFloor (rf) booltrueoutputinputconnectablestorable
Real Floor. If this is turned off, then the gridded floor in the environment acts as though it is infinitely far away (like the sky). Turn this on to make the floor seem to be a real floor.

Note: when this is on, it is important that none of the surfaces (and the camera) in the scene project below the level of the floor. If they do, the calculated shading will be incorrect.

skyColor (sc) float30.784, 0.784, 1.0outputinputconnectablestorable
Sky Color controls the color of the reflected sky at the horizon. The overall color of the sky is linearly interpolated between Sky Color and Zenith Color.
skyColorR (scr) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The red component of Sky Color
skyColorG (scg) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The green component of Sky Color
skyColorB (scb) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The blue component of Sky Color
zenithColor (zc) float30.392, 0.392, 1.0outputinputconnectablestorable
Zenith Color is the color of the sky at the zenith (looking straight up). The overall color of the sky is linearly interpolated between Sky Color and Zenith Color.
zenithColorR (zcr) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The red component of Zenith Color
zenithColorG (zcg) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The green component of Zenith Color
zenithColorB (zcb) float0.0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The blue component of Zenith Color