To Configure Space Styles

You can configure space styles for the different room types in the building plan. For example, if you are designing an HVAC system for a manufacturing facility, you can create space styles for offices, manufacturing areas, and warehouse areas.

Regarding load calculations, the most important setting for a space style is its classification. When you define a classification for a space style, the occupant density and outside air flow requirements are automatically set. These values are included in the software, and are based on the appropriate mechanical standard or code.

If multiple rooms use the same density of lighting and equipment, you can add property sets to the style that enable you to specify lighting and equipment loads per area. This alleviates the need to manually enter lighting and equipment loads for each individual space. If you need to change the lighting and equipment load for a space, you can override these values using the Properties palette.

  1. Create a new space style.
  2. In the right pane, click the General tab.
  3. At the bottom of the pane, click Property Sets.
  4. In the Edit Property Sets Data dialog box, click (Add property sets).
  5. In the Add Property Sets dialog box, select SpaceEngineeringStyles, and click OK.
    Note: If this property set is not available, you can copy and paste it from the Aecb Model drawing template using Style Manager. In Style Manager, it is located in Documentation Objects Property Set Definitions.
  6. In the Edit Property Sets Data dialog box, enter the area lighting and equipment loads.

    You can also specify a gbXML space type override if you want to restrict this style to a specific space type. If you use this setting, it overrides any classification you specify for the space style as shown in the following steps.

  7. Click OK.
  8. Click the Classifications tab.
  9. For Space Occupancy, click [...].
  10. In the Select Classification dialog box, expand the directories under the desired standard, select a space type, and click OK.
  11. Use the previous steps to create additional space styles.
  12. To modify the display of spaces with the selected style, click the Display Properties tab, and modify the display settings as desired.
    Note: You must assign a classification to use the gbXML export feature. You can assign a classification to the space style, or you can specify a classification override in the space style property set. You can also manually specify a classification on the Extended Data tab of the Properties palette.
  13. Click OK.