To Use Edge Grips to Offset a Wall Endcap Edge

Use this procedure to offset a wall component edge with Edge grips.

  1. Select the wall segment with the wall endcap to modify.
  2. Click Wall tabEndcap panelEndcap Edit In Place.
  3. Specify a point at the wall endcap.
  4. Move your cursor over the Edge grip to display the available modes.
  5. Select the Edge grip.
  6. Specify a new location for the Edge grip.
  7. Save or discard your changes:
    If you want to... Then...
    Save any changes you made during the edit-in-place session as a new style click Edit In Place tabEdits panelSave As.
    Discard any changes you made during the edit-in-place session click Edit In Place tabEdits panelCancel.
    Save any changes you made during the edit-in-place session click Edit In Place tabEdits panelFinish.

    In the following example, a wall component edge is offset with an Edge grip.