You can customize the content and appearance of schedule tables. You can also export schedule table data.
Schedule table styles control the content and appearance of schedule tables. A drawing must contain a schedule table style for the type of schedule table you want to create. When you copy a schedule table style into a drawing, property set definitions and data formats specified in the style are also copied.
Because the property set data is attached to objects and styles, you can create and update schedules at any stage of a project. Rather than waiting until the end of a project to create schedules, you can create preliminary schedules and update them to reflect changes in your drawings.
Before creating schedule tables, you attach the property sets referenced in the schedule table style to the objects and object styles. The attached property sets become the containers for data.
When you add a schedule table to a drawing, you specify whether new objects are added to the table as they are added to the drawing and whether the data in the schedule table is updated when objects or styles are modified. If you do not select these automatic updating options, you can update a schedule manually at any time.
You can also directly edit the data in individual cells and columns for any manual properties included in the table. After you add, remove, or change objects in a schedule, you can renumber the objects and their schedule tags.
You can export data directly to external files in the following formats: