Use this procedure to assign materials to the individual components of a mass group.
- Select the mass group to which you want to assign materials, right-click, and click Edit Object Display.
- To verify that the material assignment determines the display properties of the component, click the Display Properties tab, select the display representation where you want the changes to appear, and click
- Click the Layer/Color/Linetype tab, verify that By Material is selected for the component, and click OK.
- Click the Materials tab.
The Component column displays all components of the mass group that can be assigned a material. Components that are only symbolical graphics, like the bounding box, are not listed because they cannot have a material assignment.
The Material Definition column displays the currently assigned materials. If no previous material assignments have been made, the default material is Standard.
- Select the component you want to change, and select a different material definition.
You can select any material definition in the current drawing, or click
to create a new material definition and assign it to a component.
Danger: Although you can edit a material definition from this dialog box, any changes you make to the material definition apply to all objects that are assigned the material.
- Click OK twice.