Calculate a Vector From Two Points (CAL Command)

The functions vec and vec1 calculate a vector from two points.


Provides the vector from point p1 to point p2.


Provides the unit vector from point p1 to point p2.

The following example uses CAL to move selected objects 3 units in the direction from the center of one selected circle to the center of another selected circle:

Command: move

Select objects

Specify base point or displacement: 'cal

>> Expression: 3*vec1(cen,cen)

Select entity for CEN snap: Specify a circle or an arc

Specify second point of displacement or <use first point as displacement>: Specify a point or press Enter

The following examples illustrate the meaning of vector and point calculations.

Examples of vector and point calculations




Determines vector translation from point a to point b.


Determines unit vector direction from point a to point b.


Determines vector of length L in the direction from point a to point b.


Determines point b, which is a translation of the point a through vector v.


Determines point b located 5 units away from point a at an angle of 20 degrees. Note that [5<20] is a vector in polar coordinates.