All references to a block must be erased before you can purge its block definition.
- Click
The Purge dialog box displays a tree view of named objects that can be purged.
- If necessary, click Purgeable Items.
- To purge blocks, use one of the following methods:
- To purge all unreferenced blocks, select Blocks. To include nested blocks, select Purge Nested Items.
- To purge specific blocks, double-click Blocks to expand the Block tree view. Select the blocks to be purged.
If the item you want to purge is not listed, click Find Non-Purgeable Items.
- You are prompted to confirm each item in the list. If you do not want to confirm each purge, clear the Confirm Each Item to Be Purged option.
- Click Purge Checked Items.
To confirm the purging of each item, respond to the prompts.
- Select more items to purge, or click Close.