How Expressions Are Evaluated (CAL and QUICKCALC Commands)

Expressions are evaluated according to standard mathematical rules of precedence:

Numeric Expressions

Numeric expressions are real integer numbers and functions combined with the operators in the following table.

Numeric operators



( )

Groups expressions


Indicates exponentiation

* , /

Multiplies, divides

+, -

Adds, subtracts

The following are examples of numeric expressions:


3 + 0.6

(5.8^2) + PI

Vector Expressions

A vector expression is a collection of points, vectors, numbers, and functions combined with the operators in the following table.

Vector operators



( )

Groups expressions


Determines the vector product of vectors (as a vector)

[a,b,c]&[x,y,z] = [ (b*z) - (c*y) , (c*x) - (a*z) , (a*y) - (b*x) ]


Determines the scalar product of vectors (as a real number)

[a,b,c]*[x,y,z] = ax + by + cz

*, /

Multiplies, divides a vector by a real number

a*[x,y,z] = [a*x,a*y,a*z]

+ , -

Adds, subtracts vectors (points)

[a,b,c] + [x,y,z] = [a+x,b+y,c+z]

The following are examples of vector expressions:

A+[1,2,3] provides the point located [1,2,3] units relative to point A.

The expression

[2<45<45] + [2<45<0] - [1.02, 3.5, 2]

adds two points and subtracts a third point. The first two points are expressed in spherical coordinates.