Tools created from objects and images can be reused whenever you need them
Tool palettes are tabbed areas within the Tool Palettes window that contain items known as tools. Common tools include
Create a tool by dragging it onto a tool palette and then use it to create objects with the same properties. Suppose you drag a green circle with a lineweight of .05 mm from a drawing to a tool palette. You can then add a green circle with a .05 mm lineweight by dragging the tool to your drawing.
New geometric object or dimension tools are automatically created with an appropriate flyout, which inherits the properties of the tool. Object tool flyouts contain other objects that can be created with the same properties. Dimension tool flyouts provide an assortment of dimension types. Click the arrow on the tool to display the flyout.
Several options are available when you use a tool to insert a block or xref.
Blocks inserted from a tool palette are automatically scaled according to the ratio of units in both the block and the current drawing. For example, if the current drawing uses meters and a block uses centimeters, the unit ratio is 1 m/100 cm. When you drag the block into the drawing, it is inserted at 1/100 scale.
A block insertion in the current drawing is not updated automatically when you modify the block definition in the source drawing. You can redefine blocks inserted using a tool from the shortcut menu on the tool. The Redefine option might be unavailable if the block definition source is a drawing file rather than a block within a drawing file. To update a block definition that was created by inserting a drawing, use DesignCenter.