ViewCube Settings Dialog Box

NAVVCUBE (Command) Find

List of Options

The following options are displayed.


On-screen Position

Identifies the corner in a viewport where the ViewCube is displayed.

(NAVVCUBELOCATION system variable)

ViewCube Size

Specifies the size of the ViewCube.

(NAVVCUBESIZE system variable)

Select Automatic to have the size of the ViewCube tool adjust based on the current size of the active viewport, zoom factor of the active layout, or drawing window.

Inactive Opacity

Controls the opacity of the ViewCube when inactive.

(NAVVCUBEOPACITY system variable)

Preview Thumbnail

Displays a real-time preview of the ViewCube based on the current settings.

Show UCS Menu

Controls the display of the UCS drop-down menu below the ViewCube.

When Dragging on the ViewCube

Snap to Closest View

Specifies if the current view is adjusted to the closest preset view when changing the view by dragging the ViewCube.

When Clicking on the ViewCube

Zoom to Extents After View Change

Specifies if the model is forced to fit the current viewport after a view change.

Use View Transitions When Switching Views

Controls the use of smooth view transitions when switching between views.

Orient ViewCube to Current UCS

Controls whether the ViewCube reflects the current UCS or WCS.

(NAVVCUBEORIENT system variable)

Keep Scene Upright

Specifies whether the viewpoint of the model can be turned upside-down.

Show Compass Below the ViewCube

Controls whether the compass is displayed below the ViewCube tool. The North direction indicated on the compass is the value defined by the NORTHDIRECTION system variable.

Restore Defaults

Applies the default settings for the ViewCube tool.