Thumbnail Preview Settings Dialog Box

Controls whether thumbnail previews are updated when the drawing is saved.

OPTIONS (Command) Find: Open and Save tab > Thumbnail Preview Settings

List of Options

The following options are displayed.


Save a Thumbnail Preview Image

Controls whether thumbnail preview images are saved within the drawing.

(THUMBSAVE system variable)

Use the View when Drawing Last Saved

Uses the last saved view to generate the thumbnail preview for the drawing.

Use the Home View

Uses the Home view saved with the drawing to generate the thumbnail preview for the drawing.

Home View

Set current View as Home

Defines the current view of the drawing as the Home view.

Reset Home to Default

Restores the default Home view.

Sheets and Views

Generate Sheet, Sheet View and Model View Thumbnails

Controls updating of the thumbnail previews for views and layouts.

(UPDATETHUMBNAIL system variable)

Sheet thumbnails are displayed on the Sheet List tab, sheet view thumbnails on the View List tab, and model space view thumbnails on the Resource Drawings tab.

Performance-Accuracy Slider

Specifies when thumbnails are updated and which thumbnails are updated. (UPDATETHUMBNAIL system variable)

Information Panel

Displays information about the current position of the slider.

Named Views

Maximum size in pixels

Specifies the display resolution in pixels for all thumbnail previews. The default value is 512 x 512 pixels. (THUMBSIZE system variable - not available in AutoCAD LT)

Use this setting for 2D wireframe previews

Specifies whether the size of 2D wireframe thumbnail previews is controlled by maximum size in pixels settings. By default, the preview will have a maximum size of 256 pixels.