3D Polygon Mesh Selection (PEDIT)

Selecting a polygon mesh provides specialized PEDIT options.

The following prompts are displayed.

Edit Vertex

Edits individual vertices of a polygon mesh that can be seen as a rectangular M by N array, where M and N are the dimensions specified in 3DMESH. The SURFTAB1 and SURFTAB2 system variables store M and N values for RULESURF, TABSURF, REVSURF, and EDGESURF.

Pressing Enter accepts the current default, which is either Next or Previous.


Moves the X marker to the next vertex. The marker does not wrap around from the end to the start of the mesh, even if the mesh is closed.


Moves the X marker to the previous vertex. The marker does not wrap around from the start to the end of the mesh, even if the mesh is closed.


Moves the X marker to the previous vertex in the N direction. The marker does not wrap around from the start to the end of the mesh, even if the mesh is closed.


Moves the X marker to the next vertex in the N direction. The marker does not wrap around from the end to the start of the mesh, even if the mesh is closed.


Moves the X marker to the next vertex in the M direction. The marker does not wrap around from the end to the start of the mesh, even if the mesh is closed.


Moves the X marker to the previous vertex in the M direction. The marker does not wrap around from the start to the end of the mesh, even if the mesh is closed.


Repositions the vertex and moves the editing mark.


Regenerates the polygon mesh.


Exits Edit Vertex mode.

Smooth Surface

Fits a smooth surface. The SURFTYPE system variable controls the type of surface this option fits. The types of surfaces include quadratic B-spline, cubic B-spline, and Bezier.


Restores the original control-point polygon mesh.


Closes the M-direction polylines if the polygon mesh is open in the M direction.

Mclose and Nclose are replaced by Mopen and Nopen if the polygon mesh is currently closed in the M or N direction.


Opens the M-direction polylines if the polygon mesh is closed in the M direction.


Closes the N-direction polylines if the polygon mesh is open in the N direction.


Opens the N-direction polylines if the polygon mesh is closed in the N direction.


Reverses operations as far back as the beginning of the PEDIT session.