3D Edit Bar Shortcut Menu

Sets the location of the base point, constraints, and tangency when you use the 3D Edit Bar gizmo.

Access Methods

Right-click the 3D Edit Bar gizmo.


The 3D Edit Bar shortcut menu displays different options depending on whether a spline or a NURBS surface is selected, where you click, and whether the move or tangent editing method is current.

The illustration shows an imaginary UV plane in yellow that is tangent to the surface, and contains the base point. It displays the U axis in red, the V axis in green, and W axis, which is normal to the surface, in blue.

Note: By default, the orientation of the 3D Edit Bar gizmo is aligned with the World Coordinate System, but its alignment can be changed using the shortcut menu. To align the axes with the U, V, and W axes of a NURBS surface, choose Align Gizmo With Object.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Move Point Location

Reshapes the selected object by moving the base point.

Move Tangent Direction

Reshapes the selected object by changing the slope of the tangent at the base point.

U Tangent Direction

Locates the tangent arrow grip on the U axis. Changes to the tangency are constrained to the UW plane.

V Tangent Direction

Locates the tangent arrow grip on the V axis. Changes to the tangency are constrained to the VW plane.

Normal Tangent Direction

Locates the tangent arrow grip on the W axis, which is normal to the surface at the base point. Changes to the tangency are constrained to the UW plane.

Set Constraint

Sets whether the change in tangency or point location is constrained to a specific axis or major plane.

  • X, Y or Z. Restricts the change to the specified World Coordinate System (WCS) axis.
  • XY, YZ, or XZ. Restricts the change to the specified World Coordinate System (WCS) plane.
Relocate Base Point

Specifies a new base point on the curve or NURBS surface.

Align Gizmo With

Reorients the gizmo to align with the WCS or UCS, or with a selected face or object.