DELOBJ (System Variable)

Controls whether geometry used to create other objects is retained or deleted.

Saved in:Registry
Initial value:3

The capabilities of this system variable differ, depending on the product.

AutoCAD-based Products

If you use a product that supports creation of 3D models based on existing geometry, use this system variable to control whether the original geometry is retained or removed.

If the SURFACEASSOCIATIVITY system variable is set to 1, the DELOBJ setting is ignored.




All defining geometry is retained. This setting includes retaining the source objects for all array commands.


Deletes profile curves, including those used with the EXTRUDE, SWEEP, REVOLVE, and LOFT commands. Removes all defining geometry for CONVTOSOLID, CONVTOSURFACE, CONVTONURBS, and CONVTOMESH commands. Cross sections used with the LOFT command are also deleted.


Deletes all defining geometry, including paths and guide curves used with the SWEEP and LOFT commands.


Deletes all defining geometry, including paths and guide curves used with the SWEEP and LOFT commands if the action results in a solid object. Removes all defining geometry for CONVTOSOLID, CONVTOSURFACE, CONVTONURBS, and CONVTOMESH commands.

Note: CONVTOSURFACE does not remove curves and regions.

This setting also applies to options in commands such as PEDIT and SPLINE for converting between splines and spline-fit polylines. The range of non-zero values is present to maintain AutoCAD compatibility.


Displays prompts to delete profile curves, including those used with the EXTRUDE, SWEEP, REVOLVE, LOFT, and CONVTOSURFACE commands. Prompts to remove cross sections used with the LOFT command.

The original geometry for CONVTOSOLID and CONVTOMESH commands is removed without prompting.


Displays prompts to delete all defining geometry, including paths and guide curves used with the SWEEP and LOFT commands.

The original geometry for CONVTOSOLID and CONTOMESH commands is removed without prompting.


Displays prompts to delete all defining geometry if the resulting entities are a surface of any type. Deletes all original geometry resulting in a solid entity, original geometry for CONVTOSOLID, CONVTONURBS, and CONVTOMESH commands is removed without prompting.

Note: CONVTOSURFACE does not remove curves and regions.


If you use AutoCAD LT to convert between spline-fit polylines and splines, use this system variable to control whether the original geometry is displayed or removed.




All defining geometry is retained.

Non-zero integer values from -3 to 3

In certain commands such as SPLINE and PEDIT, deletes objects used to create other objects.

The range of non-zero values is present to maintain AutoCAD compatibility.