FAQ: Why is my TrueType font not displaying correctly?
Have you noticed that your TrueType font isn't displaying as expected? This might be due to a recent upgrade in our rendering model, which uses GPU acceleration to improve the display of typefaces.
Note: GPU acceleration is only available on devices with DirectX12.
While the upgrade generally enhances performance, it can occasionally lead to the following issues:
Text appearing in a different font
Display of blank spaces instead of text
Display of corrupted letters or characters
Text displaying as a box (☐)
Without zooming in, text seems to be less visually distinct
Text not fitting the space or frame it was placed in
Text overlapping other text in an object
Reversal in the order of the text
Difficulty in selecting the text
Should you encounter any of these issues, modifying the font display setting may provide a solution. To adjust the font display, do the following:
At the right end of the status bar, right-click Graphics Performance ( Find).
Alternatively, at the Command prompt, enter
In the Graphics Performance dialog box, under Effects Settings, 2D Display Settings drop-down list, select Advanced Mode.
Clear Accelerated Font Display.
Click OK.
Note: If the Graphics Performance button is not displayed on the status bar, click Customization ( Find), the right-most button on the status bar and then choose Graphics Performance.