Polar Tracking Tab (Drafting Settings Dialog Box)

Controls the AutoTrack settings.


Note: The 3D Object Snap tab is not available in AutoCAD LT.

List of Options

Polar Tracking On

Restricts cursor movement to specified polar angles. (AUTOSNAP system variable)

Polar Angle Settings

Sets the alignment angles for polar tracking. ( POLARANG system variable)

Increment Angle

Sets the polar increment angle used to display polar tracking alignment paths. (POLARANG system variable)

You can enter any angle, or select a common angle of 90, 45, 30, 22.5, 18, 15, 10, or 5 degrees from the list.

Additional Angles

Makes additional angles in the list available for polar tracking. (POLARMODE and POLARADDANG system variables)

Note: Additional angles are absolute, not incremental.
List of Angles

If Additional Angles is selected, lists the additional angles that are available. To add new angles, click New. To remove existing angles, click Delete. (POLARADDANG system variable)


Adds up to 10 additional polar tracking alignment angles.

Note: Before adding fractional angles, you must set the AUPREC system variable to the appropriate decimal precision to avoid undesired rounding. For example, if the value of AUPREC is 0 (the default value), all fractional angles you enter are rounded to the nearest whole number.

Deletes selected additional angles.

Object Snap Tracking Settings

Sets options for object snap tracking.

Track Orthogonally Only

Displays only orthogonal (horizontal/vertical) object snap tracking paths for acquired object snap points when object snap tracking is on. (POLARMODE system variable)

Track Using All Polar Angle Settings

Applies polar tracking settings to object snap tracking. When you use object snap tracking, the cursor tracks along polar alignment angles from acquired object snap points. (POLARMODE system variable)

Note: Clicking Polar and Object Snap Tracking on the status bar also turns polar tracking and object snap tracking on and off.

Polar Angle Measurement

Sets the basis by which polar tracking alignment angles are measured.


Bases polar tracking angles on the current user coordinate system (UCS).

Relative to Last Segment

Bases polar tracking angles on the last segment drawn.