AutoCAD and AutoCAD-based products, including AutoCAD LT, can be customized to improve your productivity with the product and help enforce CAD standards.
The following is a list of the available customization options:
The following is a list of additional customization and programming options that are not available in AutoCAD LT.
The following is a list of additional customization and programming options that are available in AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT on Windows only.
Customize Tool Palettes. You can create tools by dragging objects from your drawing onto a tool palette or a command from the Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor. New tool palettes can be created to organize the tools you create. (CUSTOMIZE command)
Customize the status bar. You can use the DIESEL string expression language and the MODEMACRO system variable to provide additional information on the status bar, such as the date and time, system variable settings, or retrievable information using AutoLISP.