Create a title block

Create a title block drawing and add the attribute definitions.

The title block is a border drawing inserted as an AutoCAD block on another drawing. The title block border drawing can be inserted as a block on an AutoCAD drawing template file. If your drawing title block consists of an AutoCAD block with attributes, AutoCAD Electrical toolset can link to it.

  1. Start a blank new drawing and draw your border using standard AutoCAD commands and objects.


  1. Open ACADE_TITLE_BORDER.DWG in Users\{username}\Documents\Acade {version}\Aedata\Proj\Aegs.

    This drawing contains a sample border without any of the attribute definition objects.

  2. Zoom in for attribute definition placement.
  3. Enter ATTDEF at the command prompt to insert attribute definition objects.

    When the border drawing is inserted as a block on another drawing, attribute definition objects become attributes.

  4. Enter the Tag name SH#.
  5. Set any other attribute definition properties and values, such as text style, height, and justification.
  6. Select OK.
  7. Specify the insertion point.
  8. Repeat for each attribute definition for the title block as shown.
  9. Enter SAVEAS at the command prompt.
  10. Enter File name:acade_title.
  11. Select Files of type:AutoCAD Drawing (*.dwg)
  12. Click Save.