Select “Master” terminal:Select terminal 4 on line reference 211
Pick terminal:Select terminal 5
Pick terminal:Select terminal 6, right-click
Note: The command prompt area indicates that the terminal was added as level 02 or level 03 once you pick the terminal.
Right-click terminal 6 and select Edit Component.
On the Insert/Edit Terminal Symbol dialog box, Properties/Associations section, all three levels have been assigned. You can now move a terminal to another level using the Add/Modify Association dialog box.
On the Insert/Edit Terminal Symbol dialog box, Modify Properties/Associations section, click Add/Modify.
On the Add/Modify Association dialog box, Active Association section, highlight level 3 in the grid and click Move Up.
The grid updates to reflect the move. Notice that terminal 6 is now assigned to level 2.
Click OK.
On the Insert/Edit Terminal Symbol dialog box, click OK.
If asked to update related components, click Yes-Update.
Note: If the terminals are not all on the same drawing you can associate them using the Add/Modify Association dialog box.