To Publish Multiple Layouts in a Drawing

  1. Click Publish.
  2. In the Publish dialog box, Click Add (+) to add drawings.
  3. In the Select Drawings dialog box, select layouts from the Add Content drop-down list.

    Selected layout is added to the Batch Publish dialog box for publishing.

    Note: Selecting a group adds all the layouts in that group to the Batch Publish dialog box, while selecting the project name adds all layouts in the project to the dialog box.
  4. In the Batch Publish dialog box, right-click the Sheet Name list to specify order in which it must be printed.
  5. In the Publish To list, select Printer From Pagesetup if you want to use page setups defined in each drawing file.

    Or select PDF to publish to a PDF file.

  6. Select the required Output Options.
  7. Click Publish.