AM2DHIDE (Command)

Draws hidden lines to represent hidden edges, when you specify what objects lie in front and what objects lie behind.



The command changes the linetype of the edges overlapped by the foreground to indicate invisible edges. You can refine the selection as well choose how to represent the invisible edges in the Create Hide Situation dialog box. This dialog box displays soon after you conform selection of the foreground objects.

Objects can be part of multiple hide situations at the same time. For example, an object used as part of the foreground in one hide situation can be part of the background in another.

Note: AM2DHIDE and AM2DHIDEDIT has been superceded by the AMSHIDE and AMSHIDEEDIT commands. The program includes AM2DHIDEDIT only to enable you to work on drawings created with previous versions of the product.

List of Prompts

The following prompts are displayed.

Select objects for Foreground:
Specifies the objects that lie in front. Click on the objects that belong to the foreground. Press shift-click to remove an object from the selection set.