FAQ: What is Automatic Property Management?

Automatic Property Management refers to the process where every AutoCAD Mechanical toolset command checks a group of settings known as the Object Property Settings and honors them during execution. This enables each command to be “aware” of the other commands and intelligently react to objects in the drawing area. This process is best illustrated using an example.

Example to illustrate Automatic Property Management

The AMCONSTLINES command draws construction lines. While drawing, this command checks Object Property Settings and automatically sets the line type, line weight and line color properties of construction lines to that predefined in Object Property Settings. Additionally, the command draws the construction lines on the layer pre-defined in Object Property Settings. No matter what layer is current the AMCONSTLINE command always draws construction lines on the pre-defined layer. If the layer doesn't exist, the command automatically creates the layer.

The AMCLINEO commands toggles the visibility of construction lines. The command checks Object Property Settings to determine what layer contains construction lines, and then turns on or turns off the layer as appropriate.

The AMSHIDE command converts lines/line segments overlapped by other objects into hidden lines. When you select objects for the background, AMSHIDE checks the background objects against Object Property Settings to determine how the line should behave in a hide situation. Hence, if you select construction lines, AMSHIDE ignores them and refrains from converting them into hidden lines. This gives AMSHIDE the ability to intelligently hide appropriate objects only.


Automatic Property Management / Object Property Settings is central to the intelligence behind AutoCAD Mechanical toolset commands. Each command has its own unique logic of dealing with Object Property Settings. If you turn off Automatic Property Management, these commands stop checking Object Property Settings and hence loses the intelligence built around Object Property Settings.

If Automatic Property Management becomes intrusive, do not turn off Automatic Property Mechanism. Instead, we recommend that you customize Object Property Settings to suit your particular requirements.