Content Settings Dialog Box (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

Use this dialog box to specify if the content is a part or a feature, and also define its behavior in a hide situation.

When content is inserted


Create content as



Use to create new content as a part. Selecting this option denotes that the content is a part and every instance of content in the drawing is represented in the BOM.



Use to create new content as a feature. Once content is set as a feature, instances of that content in the drawing will not be represented in the BOM.

When the current view is participating in hide situations


Use outer contour objects for foreground

Uses only the outer contour for foreground calculations. When selected, if there are openings such as hole and slots inside the contour, background objects are not visible through them. A common use for this option is hiding background objects when the foreground object contains blind holes.


Use objects on contour layer for foreground

Applies a layer filter to the foreground selection set, filtering out all layers except the contour layers and non-mechanical layers. By default, AM_0, AM_1, and AM_2 are contour layers and you can define up to four contour layers. By default, the program draws all objects that are valid foreground objects on these layers. If you clear this check box, all objects that belong to the foreground selection set appear as foreground objects, regardless of whether they are valid foreground objects or not.