To Configure the Defaults for AMSHIDE (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

  1. At the Command prompt, enter AMOPTIONS.
  2. In the Options dialog box, select the AM:Structure tab.
  3. Click Hide Options.
  4. Specify the defaults as required:
    • To set the default hide style to dashed lines, select the Display hidden lines check box. If this check box is not selected, hidden lines are not visible.
    • To set only the outer contour as a foreground object, select the Use outer contour only check box. If this check box is not selected, all contours selected for the foreground are set as foreground objects.
    • To set the background objects that fall outside the foreground perimeter as hidden, select the Inverse foreground check box. If this check box is not selected, background objects that fall within the foreground perimeter are hidden.
    • To limit foreground selection to objects on contour layers only, select the Use contours only check box. If this check box is not selected, any object may be treated as a foreground object.
    • To make hide situations respect the Usage in Hide object setting, select the Hide appropriate objects only check box. If this box is cleared, the Usage in Hide object setting is ignored.
    • To set the AMSHIDE command to automatically select the background when the foreground objects are selected, select the Select background objects automatically check box.
    • To enable a dynamic preview of hide situations in model space, select the Dynamic preview when editing check box.
    • To set the limit for automatic background selection, in the Limit background entities selection to box, type the limit.
    • To set the limit for foreground objects, in the Prompt when number of foreground entities exceed box, type the limit.
  5. Click OK.