Use this dialog box to pre-configure properties for Objects created by AutoCAD Mechanical toolset commands.
Category Contains a list of categories that group objects in a logical order. Click on a category to list objects that belong to that category. |
Show properties for Displays a list of properties for the objects that belong to that category. Depending on whether AutoCAD Mechanical toolset commands depend on a property being fixed to a predefined value, you may not be able to modify properties for some objects. When you select an object in the list, the preview highlights the object you selected on a sample drawing. |
Object Displays a list of objects that belong to that category. When grouped by objects, compound objects (objects that are made up of other objects) as the root of a tree and the constituent objects, as children. |
Layer Specifies the layer that the object must be created on. When grouped by objects, clicking in this column displays a dialog box that enables you to select existing layers and layer definitions or create a new layer definition, if necessary. Note: When a text object is part of a compound object, the text object is always created on the layer assigned to the parent object. The layer corresponding to the text object is used only to obtain values for the properties set to “By Layer”.
Color Specifies the line color for the object. Clicking the color icon displays a dialog box that enables you to select a color for the object. |
Linetype Specifies the line type for the object. Clicking in the column displays a list containing the line types that can be applied to the object. |
Lineweight Changes master setting for object lineweight. Clicking in the column displays a list containing the line weights that can be applied to the object. |
Usage in hide Controls behavior of the object, when in a hide situation. Clicking in the column toggles displays a list containing the options applicable to the object. |
Group by Controls how objects are visually represented in the Show properties for list. If you group by objects, the list emphasizes the hierarchical relationship between objects. The list shows compound objects (objects that are made up of other objects) as the root of a tree and the constituent objects, as children. If you group by layers, the list emphasizes the objects that share the same layer. This option is useful to quickly specify a linetype, lineweight, and color for a layer, without having to invoke the AMLAYER command. |
Preview Displays a sample drawing to illustrate the object selected in the Show properties for list. |
Highlight all categories that use the selected object Highlights categories in the Category list, which use the selected object. This option is useful to quickly check what other categories are affected if you change the properties of the selected object. |
Import button Launches the Open dialog box to select and import a complete setting for layers and object properties from any of the following file types:
Restore Defaults Returns all settings to their default values. Note: The default settings for a light background drawing differs from the default settings for a black background.