Create Drawing View Dialog Box (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

Use this dialog box to specify drawing views you create using the AMDWGVIEW command.

Note: Inventor Link is available only on 64-bit systems. Note that it is not installed by default.

View Type

Specifies the type of view to create.


Creates the first drawing view of a part according to the orientation you select.


Creates multiple projected views of a parent view without returning to the dialog box. Places ortho and iso views as desired.


Generates an orthographic projection view based upon an existing view. Requires a parent view, a project direction, and the view placement location.


Creates an auxiliary view based on an existing view of a part. Requires a parent view, two points to specify a projection direction, and the placement location.


Creates a view of the parent view using a front/left, front/right, back/left, or back/right display.


Creates an enlarged view of a portion of the parent view. You can create a non-rectangular viewport to define the view portion of the parent view.


Creates a broken view based on an existing view of an elongated part.

Data Set

Specifies the data set to use for the new view.

  Active Part

Uses the active part for the view.


Uses a selected scene for the view.


Uses selected objects for the view.


Only object selection is supported on drawing files linked to Autodesk Inventor documents.


Uses a specified group of objects. This option is only available if you have defined a group of objects in the drawing.


Places the view on the selected layout.


Selects the orientation for the drawing view.


Controls view properties.



Sets the scale for the view.


Relative to Parent

Specifies whether the view is scaled relative to its parent view.


Detail Symbol

Controls the character labels for details and section views.


Label Pattern

Names a view according to a pattern controlled by symbol standards. The pattern uses the detail label <Detail_Label> and the detail scale <Detail_Scale> as variables in the pattern that serves as the view's name.


Independent View Display

This option is only available when the View Type is set to Detail. Makes the display properties of the detail view independent of the parent view.


Opens the Options dialog box where you can set options for your drawing views. See the OPTIONS command for more information.

Hidden Lines Tab

Controls the settings for hidden lines in drawing views.


Calculate Hidden Lines

Turns on the Calculate Hidden Line option. If off, hidden lines are not calculated or displayed in the view.


Display Hidden Lines

Displays hidden lines in the view.


Display Tangencies

Displays tangent silhouettes in the view.


Remove Coincident Edges

Removes duplicate edges in the view.


Display Interference Edges

Calculates and displays the resulting edge when mating parts interfere in an assembly.


Display As

Controls the display of hidden edges when the Calculate Hidden Lines option is disabled.

Section Tab

Controls the settings for section views.



Controls the type of section view.



Does not create a section view.



Creates a full section view for base, auxiliary, broken, and orthographic views.



Creates a half section view through a work plane or work point.



Creates an offset section view from base, orthographic, broken, or auxiliary views.



Creates an aligned section view from base, orthographic, or auxiliary views.



Creates a breakout section view from base, orthographic, or auxiliary views.



Creates a radial section view from base, orthographic, or auxiliary views.



Represents a projected view of the part with all its details, as it is generated in Mechanical Desktop.



Represents a sectional view of the part with its details displayed.



Represents a simplified sectional view of the part without the details.



Specifies the label for the section view.



Specifies the symbol to use for section views.



Specifies whether a section view is hatched.



Sets the hatch pattern and parameters for a section view. Opens the AutoCAD Hatch Patterns dialog box.


Hide Obscured Hatch

Hides hatch patterns normally out of view or obscured.

Standard Part Tab

Controls the representation of a part in the drawing view.


2D Representation

Sets 2D representation for standard 3D parts in the drawing view. This does not change the part in any way.