Sharing Styles Between Drawings

Label styles, like all style objects, can be shared between drawings. To do this, call the style’s ExportTo() method, targeting the drawing you want to add the style to.


You can also export collections of styles to another drawing by using the static StyleBase::ExportTo() method.

When exporting styles, you specify how conflicts are resolved using the StyleConflictResolverType enum. In this example, the first style in the MajorStationLabelStyles collection is exported from the active drawing to another open drawing named Drawing1.dwg:

public void ExportStyle()
    CivilDocument doc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument;
    Document AcadDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
    Database destDb = null;
    // Find the database for "Drawing 1"
    foreach (Document d in Application.DocumentManager)
        if (d.Name.Equals("Drawing1.dwg")) destDb = d.Database;
    // cancel if no matching drawing:
    if (destDb == null) return;
    using (Transaction ts = AcadDoc.Database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
        // Export style:
        ObjectId styleId = doc.Styles.LabelStyles.AlignmentLabelStyles.MajorStationLabelStyles[0];
        LabelStyle oLabelStyle = ts.GetObject(styleId, OpenMode.ForRead) as LabelStyle;
        oLabelStyle.ExportTo(destDb, Autodesk.Civil.StyleConflictResolverType.Rename);

In certain situations attempts to abort the transaction will fail when calling ExportTo(). This is the case when all the following conditions are all true: multiple styles are being exported, there is a naming conflict between styles, and the StyleConflictResolverType is StyleConflictResolverType.Override.