Listing the Interferences

An interference check, the AeccInterferenceCheck object returned by the AeccInterferenceChecks.Create method, contains a collection of AeccInterference objects each representing a single interference found during the check. Each interference holds the point location of the interference center in the Location property, a three element array of doubles representing X, Y, and Z coordinates. The bounds of the entire interference area are returned by the GetExtents method. The extents are a two-item array of points, together representing the greatest and least corners of a cube containing the intersection area. The SourceNetworkPart and TargetNetworkPart properties hold the network parts that intersect.

Dim oInterference As AeccInterference
For Each oInterference In oInterferenceCheck
    ' Display the 2D x,y location of the interference.
    Dim vLocation As Variant
    Dim sLocation As String
    Dim vExtent As Variant
    vLocation = oInterference.Location
    sLocation = vLocation(0) & ", " & vLocation(1)
    MsgBox "There is an interference at:" & sLocation
    ' Display the greatest and least corners of the 3D
    ' rectangle containing the interference.
    vExtent = oInterference.GetExtents()
    Debug.Print "The interference takes place between:"
    sLocation = vExtent(0)(0) & ", "
    sLocation = sLocation & vExtent(0)(1) & ", "
    sLocation = sLocation & vExtent(0)(2)
    Debug.Print "  "; sLocation; "   and:"
    sLocation = vExtent(1)(0) & ", "
    sLocation = sLocation & vExtent(1)(1) & ", "
    sLocation = sLocation & vExtent(1)(2)
    Debug.Print "  "; sLocation
If (oInterferenceCheck.Count = 0) Then
    MsgBox "There are no interferences in the network."
End If