Using Sections

Each sample line contains a collection of sections that were based on that sample line. Each section is represented by object of type AeccSection and contains methods for retrieving statistics of the surface along the section. While sections initially have styles based on the AeccSectionStyle style passed to the AeccSampledSurfaces.Add method, you can also set the style for each section individually through the AeccSection.Style property.

Dim oSampleLines as AeccSampleLines
Set oSampleLines = oSampleLineGroup.SampleLines
' For each sample line, go through all the sections that
' were created based on it.
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
For i = 0 To oSampleLines.Count - 1
   Dim oSections As AeccSections
   Set oSections = oSampleLines.Item(i).Sections
   ' For each section, print its highest elevation and set
   ' some of its properties.
   Dim oSection as AeccSection
   For Each oSection in oSections
      Debug.Print "Max Elevation of "; oSection.Name;
      Debug.Print " is: "; oSection.ElevationMax
       oSection.DataType = aeccSectionDataTIN
      oSection.StaticDynamic = aeccSectionStateDynamic
Next i