Creating a Profile Using Entities

The various Profile.CreateByLayout() overloaded methods create a new profile with no elevation information. The vertical shape of a profile can then be specified using entities. Entities are geometric elements - tangents or symmetric parabolas. The collection of all entities that make up a profile are contained in the Profile.Entities collection. The ProfileEntityCollection class also contains all the methods for creating new entities.

This sample creates a new profile along the alignment “oAlignment” and then adds three entities to define the profile shape. Two straight entities are added at each end and a symmetric parabola is added in the center to join them and represent the sag of a valley.

// Illustrates creating a new profile without elevation data, then adding the elevation
// via the entities collection
public void CreateProfileNoSurface()
    doc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument;
    Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
    using (Transaction ts = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
        // Ask the user to select an alignment 
        PromptEntityOptions opt = new PromptEntityOptions("\nSelect an Alignment");
        opt.SetRejectMessage("\nObject must be an alignment.\n");
        opt.AddAllowedClass(typeof(Alignment), false);
        ObjectId alignID = ed.GetEntity(opt).ObjectId;
        Alignment oAlignment = ts.GetObject(alignID, OpenMode.ForRead) as Alignment;
        // use the same layer as the alignment
        ObjectId layerId = oAlignment.LayerId;
        // get the standard style and label set 
        // these calls will fail on templates without a style named "Standard"
        ObjectId styleId = doc.Styles.ProfileStyles["Standard"];
        ObjectId labelSetId = doc.Styles.LabelSetStyles.ProfileLabelSetStyles["Standard"];
        ObjectId oProfileId = Profile.CreateByLayout("My Profile", alignID, layerId, styleId, labelSetId);
        // Now add the entities that define the profile.
        Profile oProfile = ts.GetObject(oProfileId, OpenMode.ForRead) as Profile;
        Point3d startPoint = new Point3d(oAlignment.StartingStation, -40, 0);
        Point3d endPoint = new Point3d(758.2, -70, 0);
        ProfileTangent oTangent1 = oProfile.Entities.AddFixedTangent(startPoint, endPoint);
        startPoint = new Point3d(1508.2, -60.0, 0);
        endPoint = new Point3d(oAlignment.EndingStation, -4.0, 0);
        ProfileTangent oTangent2 =oProfile.Entities.AddFixedTangent(startPoint, endPoint);
        oProfile.Entities.AddFreeSymmetricParabolaByLength(oTangent1.EntityId, oTangent2.EntityId, VerticalCurveType.Sag, 900.1, true);